Philip Schaub and Derek Stierli are a Zurich based photography duo, who have been working internationally in art and commerce for more than 15 years. Having grown up next to the same lake and forests, they only met years later at art school where they started their collaboration.
Schaub Stierlis work blends the genres of still life, documentary, architecture, fine art and portrait, creating a distinctive approach which can’t been pigeonholed. Their strong attention to detail when it comes to location, lighting and cast are central to their passion for storytelling within the frame.
Over the years Schaub Stierli have gained both critical and commercial recognition for their powerful and emotive images and have built up an extensive portfolio of editorial, advertising and portraiture work.
Wengistrasse 31 CH-8004 Zürich
Philip +41 79 209 8366
Derek +41 79 416 8525
57 Lincoln Rd Brooklyn NY 11225
+1 917 213 7927